Love Poems

A Kiss

You kissed me after dinner

 I could taste the raspberry cheesecake

We shared on your soft lips.

That kiss reminded me

Of the tender young love

We first shared all those years ago.

I don’t need roses or diamonds

Just the sweet romance of sharing that

Cheesecake donned with

Shaved chocolate and raspberry sauce. 

It All Makes Sense

It doesn’t make too much sense

I said a bit incensed.

We didn’t have that dance.

We didn’t take that chance.

But we took other chances, said you,

And that dance wasn’t all that we knew.

The music took us through

The good times and bad times, too.

One song doesn’t define you and me

Our life has been a symphony

Other times a cacophony,

But together perpetually.

And then it all made sense

The vows we took, their relevance,

In good times and in malevolence,

We remain lovers and best friends. 

A Gift

To be with you

A minute, an hour, a day

Perpetual bliss

A touch, an embrace, a gentle kiss

To be with you

Morning’s aglow

Awake with happiness

Sunshine, warmth, quiet

To be with you

In the afternoon

In the afterglow

Soft, sensual, sensational

To be with you

An evening’s gift

Nighttime solitude

Friendship, love, togetherness

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