The Park

Growing up a block away from Pennypack Park, we naturally spent much of our time there. While most city kids were hanging at shopping centers or on street corners or in playgrounds, our crowd hung out in the woods. On any given day, any season of the year, you could usually find at least a few of us somewhere in the woods. During the summer, we were at the Pavillion or on a grassy patch under a large oak tree near the waterfall. In winter, we went to our “clubhouse” which we built from pilched materials from a nearby construction site. They were building an upscale apartment complex which had buildings with six units for rent but also had townhomes which you could purchase. Upon entering the park on our side of the neighborhood, there was a steep incline which leveled off to a narrow path. Follow the path across a small streambed, which was usually dry unless it had just rained then turn to cross a smal...